1948 airmail Great Britain 2d stationery card with message addressed to Scotland uprated overprinted 1d adhesive tied 'BRITISH POST OFFICE TANGIER' c.d.s. '13 MR 48'
1944 censored postcard written by a British soldier at Vigie Barracks addressed to an officer in Barbados. Franked 2 1/2d adhesive tied 'CASTRIES' c.d.s. '13 OC 44' Crown shield 'PASSED BY / CENSOR / No / 11623' initialed. The censorship was carried out on St Lucia. A small number of British troops were stationed on St Lucia during 1944 for a few months.
1945 airmail postcard addressed to London franked 2/- 6d, 3d & 2 1/2d adhesives tied 'CASTRIES' c.d.s. '2 SP 45' with a fine strike of the octagonal crown 'PASSED / I.T.T.' censor cachet struck in black. This is the latest recorded date.
1927 photographic postcard addressed to Belgium franked 1 12/d Badge tied 'ST HELENA' c.d.s. 'AP 11 27'
1943 underpaid registered censor cover addressed to Vancouver franked 10c, 20c & 1/- adhesives tied 'MUHESA' c.d.s. '28 JU 1943' Opened by Examiner R/12' label at left. On arrival 10c & 4c postage due applied, pen cancelled paying the charge.
1931 airmail envelope addressed to London franked hgorizontal strip of eight and a horizontal pair 2c adhesives tied 'BELIZE' c.d.s. 'MR 23 31' Three line 'AIR FEE / prepaid to / New York, only' unusually struck in violet.
1933 envelope franked 1d Centenary tied 'SOUTH GEORGIA' c.d.s. '7 DE 33'
1899 1d stationery card with message on the reverse, addressed to the Turf Club, Cairo. Egypt. Cancelled six thick bars forming a foreshortened circle in black. St Helena c.d.s. 'De 18 99' on the front, overstruck Cairo receiving cancellation., A scarce cancellation & destination.
1937 envelope addressed to London franked block of four 1/2d Badge adhesives tied 'ST HELENA' c.d.s. 'MR 25 37'
1896 local envelope franked overprinted Indian Eight Annas adhesive tied 'MOMBASA' squared circle d/s '10 JU 96' Single circle receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1913 'OHMS' Birth declaration wrapper from Fentonbury addressed to Hamilton. Franked 'ONE PENNY' on '2d' perfin 'T' The adhesive cancelled upon arrival A scarce usage of the surcharged perfin adhesive.
1940 multi censored envelope from the U.S.A. addressed to Tanganyika Railways Dar Es Salaam. Censored upon arrival and Officially sealed labels applied (G.P.O. A25) tied 'DAR ES SALAAM' c.d.s. '12 FE 1940' The envelope has been redirected to London.
1937 Great Britain 4 1/2d registered stationery envelope (H) addressed to Germany uprated overprinted 1 1/2d Coronation' and a 1d adhesive tied oval 'REGISTERED BRITISH P.O. TANGIER' d/s '25 N0 37' Receiving cancellation on the reverse. Scarce usage of Great Britain stationery.
1937 envelope addressed to Croydon franked with Great Britain 1 1/2d Coronation adhesive 'PITCAIRN ISLAND N.Z. POSTAL AGENCY' c.d.s.'10 DE 37' below.
1940 multi censored envelope address to R.A.F. Preswick, Scotland franked 2d & 1/2d adhesives tied 'KANO' '18 JE 40' with boxed 'PASSED CENSOR SELECTIVE CENSOR / 11' and 'PASSED BY UNIT CENSOR / 19' initialed, both struck in violet. Some light toning, a scarce combination of these elusive censor cachets.
1912 multi franked registered envelope addressed to Germany with Fiji overprinted adhesives tied 'PORT-VILA' c.d.s. '16 DEC 11' Receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1898 Gibraltar 20c registered stationery envelope (F) overprinted SPECIMEN' The flap is not stuck down. Superb
1898 1c stationery card with message addressed to Singapore uprated 1c & 2c adhesives tied 'SANDAKAN' c.d.s. '12 SP 98' Receiving cancellatioon on the front.
1917 6c overprinted stationery card with message written from Ndurumna dated 13th August addressed to Dresden Germany uprated 15c Giraffe tied 'ARUSHA' c.d.s. 'AU 19 17'
1937 airmail envelope addressed to London stamp washed off. Carried on Imperial Airways flying boat "Cygnus" On arrival in London 'FOUND OPEN OR DAMAGED / OFFICIALLY SEALED' label applied. Pencil endosement received '16/12/37'
1950 registered envelope addressed to Zanzibar. Franked 50c adhesives tied oval 'DARESSALAAM REGISTERED' d/s '20 AP 1950. On arrival fine strikes of the boxed 'DECEASED / DECESE' applied in violet and straight line 'RETOUR' in black. The envelope returned to Dar Es Salaam three months later. Cancellations on the reverse.
1931 multi franked envelope addressed to French Indochina adhesives tied 'REGISTRATION BRITISHGUIANA' c.d.s. '28 NO 31' U.S. 'OFFICIALLY SEALED' label applied in transit. Routed via New Yor, Seattle, Honk Kong . Transit and receiving cancellations on the reverse.
1900 censored envelope addressed to Prisoner of War Greenpoint Camp. Franked horizontal pair Great Britain 1/2d tied by the captured large 'CHRISTIANA' c.d.s. '1 OCT .00' struck in violet.
1948 underpaid airmailenvelope addressed to Czechoslavakia. Franked 1/- adhesive tied 'NAIROBI' slogan d/s '8 SEP 1948' On arrival 1Kcs postage due applied paying the manuscript charge, tied V Brne cancellation.
1938 Great Britain Penny Half Penny stationery envelope addressed to North Borneo. Straight line 'UNCLAIMED' in black. Jesselton receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1938 Great Britain Three Half Pence stationery envelope from Newport addressed to Sarawak. Boxed 'UNCLAIMED' applied in Kuching, receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1938 underpaid envelope addressed to Zanzibar franked K.U.T. 2 x 5c adhesives tied 'PAQUEBOT ZANZIBAR' c.d.s. '23 AP 38' The Great Britain 1 1/2d has been pen cancelled. On arrival 20c postage due applied tied 'ZANZIBAR' c.d.s. '26 AP 38'
1957 stampless taxed internal envelope addressed to Cholo cancelled 'LIMBE NYASALAND' c.d.s. '17 SE 57' Handstruck 'T' and a fine strike of the '5d' charge marking.
1902 censored envelope franked 1d adhesive tied 'EAST LONDON' c.d.s. 'MY 30 02' with a fine 'PASSED PRESS CENSOR / EAST LONDON' cachet alongside. The war ended on May 31st.
1870 envelope addressed to Napier franked 2d & 1d Chalon adhesives tied 'WELLINGTON / 070' numeral cancellatioin 'AP 22 70' Receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1870 envelope addressed to York franked 6d Chalon adhesive tied 'WELLINGTON / 070' numeral cancellation 'FE 11 70' Receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1897 envelope 'Per Royal Mail Steamer' addressed to Scotland franked 5c adhesive tied 'BETERVERWAGTING' c.d.s. 'NO 10 97'
1906 postcard (The Fuel Market, Mogador) franked overprinted Gibraltar 10c adhesive tied 'MOGADOR' c.d.s. 'DE 6 06' Tangier transit cancellation.
1912 underpaid taxed envelope from Wynberg Cape addressed to Vacoas Large 'T 20 -' struck in violet applied in Wynberg. On arrival '12c / TO PAY' applied struck in black.
1938 underpaid taxed postcasrd from Los Angeles addressed to Mauritius. On arrival handstruck '5c/ TO PAY' in black. Manuscript 'Absent' and a light strike of the boxed 'Delivery' handstamp.
1919 underpaid taxed envelope addressed to Chicago franked 2c & 4c adhesives tied 'BEAU BASSIN' c.d.s. 'JY 21 19' unusually struck in red. Small 'T" in black triangle, pencil '30'
1902 postcard (Castries River & Cemetery) addressed to Italy franked 1d adhesive tied 'CASTRIES/C' c.d.s. 'MY 7 02' Receiving cancellation on the front.
1921 Horizontal pair Great Britain Thee Half Pence adhesives cancelled boxed 'ENDERBY LAND' & part 'S.R. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION' cancellationb oth in violet. These were trial impressions applied in South Georgia in December 1921 on board the "Quest" Only one block of four cancelled in violet of each low value.
1924 Formula registered stationery envelope (G) addressed to London marked "O.H.M.S.' cancelled 'FALKLAND ISLANDS / OFFICIAL PAID" cachet. Receiving cancellation.
1899 1d + 1d Great Britain stationery postcard, the outward half with message, addressed to Kimberley O.F.S. cancelled 'GABERONES STATION B.B.' c.d.s. '28 JY 99' Senekal O.V.S. cancellation on the reverse.
1896 1d + 1d Great Britain overprinted stationery card with a short message addressed to Bavaria uprated Great Britain overprinted 1/2d & 1d adhesives tied 'RAMOUSTA' c.d.s. 'JY 23 96' Receiving cancellation on the front.
1908 Great Britain 1d overprinted stationery card with message addressed to Switzerland cancelled 'MOCHUDI B.B.' c.d.s. 'MR 22 08' Receiving cancellation on the front.
1927 underpaid postcard with commercial message addressed to Cayman Brac. Franked horizontal pair 1/2d adhesives tied 'MANCHESTER' c.d.s. '7 MR 27' On arrival 1d adhesive applied tied 'T" in violet circle.
1929 underpaid envelope addressed to Grand Cayman franked 1d & 1/2d adhesives tied 'SAVANNAH' c.d.s. '2 AP 29' Violet Jamaican 'eye glass' postage due marking, on arrival 2d adhesive applied paying the charge tied 'T' 'CAYMAN Is. GEORGETOWN' c.d.s. alongside 'AP 22 1929'
1942 censored airmail envelope addressed to Tampa franked horizontal pair 2d and a single 6d tied 'THE CREEK CAYMAN BRAC' c.d.s. 'AP 24 42' Opened / by / Censor' light blue label with 'by' below 'pen' of 'Opened'
1901 registered envelope addressed to London franked single 1/2d & 1d together with block of four cancelled 'GRAND CAYMAN' c.d.s. '7 JY 01' Transit and receiving cancellations on the reverse.
1951 underpaid envelope addressed to Labrador. Franked 3d adhesive tied 'GEORGETOWN' c.d.s. 'AP 9 1951' On arrival 1c & 4c postage dues applied tied 'HEBRON LABRADOR' c.d.s. 'JL 2 51'
1951 underpaid airmail envelope from Essex to Canton Island. On arrival 5d postage due applied paying the manuscript charge tied 'CANTON ISLAND' c.d.s. '1 JA 52' Scarce postage due on cover.
1943 censored British 3d P.O.W. airmail lettercard to "Borneo Camp" from Shepton Mallett U.K. and Japanese censor cachets.
1941 registered airmail envelope to Canada franked 10/- 5/- & 2/- adhesives tied 'CAYMAN BRAC' c.d.s. 'MR 14 41' Transit and receiving cancellations on the reverse.