1936 envelope addressed to Chingford franked 2 x 1A Jubilee adhesives tied 'COLOMBO PAQUEBOT' c.d.s. '27 JU 36'
1948 underpaid airmail envelope from Jogjakarta, Central Java, Indonesia addressed to New Jersey, redirected to British Honduras. On arrival 4c & 2c postage dues applied paying the charge tied oval 'MULLINS RIVER' violet T.R.D. d/s 'NO 6 1948'
1965 underpaid envelope from Paris. On arrival single 4c, 1c & 2c postage dues applied paying the manuscript charge tied 'BELIZE CITY' c.d.s. '16 SP 65'
1938 taxed envelope from Mombasa addressed to Zanzibar on arrival 10c postage due applied tied 'REG ZANZIBAR' c.d.s. '8 AU 38'
1900 1/2As stationery wrapper addressed to Germany cancelled 'ENTEBBE' c.d.s. 'SE 10 00'
1932 envelope addressed to Canada franked 3c + 3c Belize Relief Fund overprint tied 'BELIZE' c.d.s. '4 JY 32' A scarce single commercial usage.
1929 First Flight envelope carried on Belize - Miami leg franked 4c & 25c adhesives tied 'BELIZE' c.d.s. '23 MY 29' Flight cachet on the front, receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1892 German 10pf stationery card (902m) with message cancelled 'DAR-ES-SALAAM' c.d.s. '3 12 92' Receiving cancellation on the front.
1921 envelope addressed to Pretoria franked Union 2d adhesive tied 'MBABANE' c.d.s. '2 JUN 21' (Type 8)
1945 registered multi franked envelope addressed to Canada adhesives tied 'MBABANE' c.d.s. '4 1X 45' c.d.s. On arrival directed to Customs with orders not to deliver, instructional label applied.
1912 registered OHMS envelope from the resident commissioner in Mbabane to Witbank in transvaal. Cancelled 'MBABANE' c.d.s. '4 DEC 12' Rectangular boxed registration cachet, this is the first reported use of the R1. Bi-lingual 'UNCLAIMED' Returned Letter Office Johannesburg cancellation on the reverse.
1940 30c registered stationery envelope (G) addressed to New York additional 2/- adhesive tied 'TABORA - MWANZA T.P.O. UP' c.d.s. '27 OC 1940' blank registration label manuscript 'TAB-MINIA - T.P.O.'
1952 20c Airmail Airletter (H&G 3) handstamped 'SPECIMEN' in a black retangular box.
1940 multi censored envelope addressed to Switzerland franked 5c adhesive paying unsealed printed matter rate tied 'ZANZIBAR' c.d.s. '29 AP 40' Scarce two line 'Passed by / CENSOR' struck in violet. Opened By Examiner label on the reverse.
1902 15c stationery envelope addressed to Switzerland cancelled 'PRASLIN BAY ST ANNE' c.d.s., '6 AP 02' Seychelles/B transit cancellation. Octagonal 'LA REUNION A MARSEILLE LV. No 3' d/s '8 AVRIL 02' Receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1935 envelope addressed to Colorado franked 5c Canadian adhesive ' MAILED AT SEA / R.M.S. CONNECTOR' cachet. Straight line 'MISSENT TO BELIZE' struck in violet. 'BELIZE' c.d.s. '20 NO 35' on the front.
1938 envelope 'Via New York Pan America' addressed to Birmingham franked horizontal strip of three 1c and a single 5c adhesive tied 'PORT OF SPAIN' c.d.s. 'JU 12 38' Straight line 'LATE FEE PAID' struck in violet.
1914 censored postcard to the U.S.A. franked 1d adhesive tied 'HAMILTON' machine d/s '19 AUG 14' Two line 'PASSED H.W. / CENSOR BERMUDA' strick in maroon. The identity of "HW" is unclear. This censor marking was uszed for avery short usage. An early usage.
1901 Half Anna stationery wrapper addressed to Germany cancelled 'MOMBASA' hatched circle '3 JL 1901'
1896 registered On Postal Service envelope from The Postmaster General addressed to Berlin. Franked Indian Eight Anna overprinted 'ZANZIBAR' variety small second and dropped "Z" tied 'ZANZIBAR' c.d.s. '25 MAR 96' Receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1915 postcard addressed to Wiltshire franked 1d Union adhesive tied 'S.A.R. DOVER' c.d.s. '10 MAY 1915'
1922 1d Union stationery card with message addressed to Bloemfontein cancelled 'S.A.R. SWEETWATER' c.d.s. '6 FEB 1922'
1914 postcard headed "Oha n Pwonina FE 14th" addressed to St Andrews 'Via Khartoum' franked 6c adhesive tied 'NIMULI UGANDA' c.d.s. '17 FE 14' Gondokoro transit cancellation '26 FE 14' Both cancellations are the latest recorded usages. Scace mail from Lado enclave.
1899 5pf German stationery card with message addressed to Germany cancelled 'WINDHOEK' c.d.s. '17 O 99'
1916 multi censored envelope addressed to Denmark from Floriania. Franked horizontal pairs 1/4d & 1d adhesives tied 'MISIDA/AM' c.d.s. 'MY 26 16' Receiving cancellation on reverse.
1922 registered On His Britannic Majesty's Service envelope addressed to Leeds franked 6d adhesive tied 'TULAGI' c.d.s. '6 SE 22' a further strike alongside. Transit and receiving cancellations on the reverse.
1898 envelope addressed to Peterborough from a Lance Corporal in the 1st Middlesex Regiment, countersigned by the Commanding Officer bottom left corner. Franked 4c & 3c adhesives tied 'MAURITIUS' c.d.s. 'MR 29 98' Receiving cancellatioin on the reverse. The back flap is missing.
1900 envelope from Cape Town addressed to Swakopmund franked single 1/2d and a horizontal pair 1d tied oval 'DEUTSCHE SEEPOST / HAMBURG / WESTAFRIKA / X11' d/s '19 4 00' Receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1935 taxed postcard addressed to Norway frankeds 1d adhesive tied 'CAPE TOWN' c.d.s. '17 NOV 35' Octagonal taxe marking. On arrival 7 ore & 5 ore postage dues applied tied 'SANDEFJORD' c.d.s.
1952 multi franked envelope addressed to Florida. Adhesives tied 'NAIROBI' c.d.s. '1 AP 1952' Oval 'O.A.T/ / F.S.' struck in violet, applied in London.
1935 stampless registered 'On Zanzibar Government Service' envelope from the Postmaster addressed to England. 'A R ' in black oval. On the reverse 'REG ZANZIBAR' c.d.s. '24 AP 35'
1915 censored registered multi franked envelope addressed to Birmingham adhesives tied 'ZANZIBAR' c.d.s. 'OC 13 15' On the reverse double triangle 'PASSED / POSTAL / CENSOR' struck in violet.
QE11 Formula airletter with "Greetings From Zanzibar" printed inside. Superb.
1925 underpaid envelope 'Per s.s. "Parima"' addressed to Rotterdam franked 2d adhesive tied 'ST JOHN'S' c.d.s. 'OC 18 24' On arrival 15c postage due applied tied Rotterdam cancellation.
Undated Queen Victoria Government Printing Office O.H.M.S. wrapper addressed to The Crown Agents, Downing Street, London. Franked 1d adhesive tied 'Sunburst' in black.
1942 envelope franked 1/- & 3d adhesives tied 'BULAWAYO' slogan d/s '11 6 42' addressed to an officer 6th Brigade 2nd S.A. Division, Durban. Cairo cancellation on the front. Boxed '"MISSING" / RETURN TO SENDER' cachet struck in violet.
1892 Penny Half Penny + Penny Half Penny overprinted 'ONE PENNY' The top card with partial double overprint. Superb unused.
1923 1d South African lettercard overprinted in English 'SPECIMEN' in red. The edges are not stuck down. Superb.
1923 4d South Africfan registered stationery envelope (G) overprinted in Afrikaans 'SPECIMEN' in red. The flap is not stuck down. Superb.
1902 censored On His Majesty's Service stampless local envelope cancelled 'ARMY POST OFFICE PRETORIA' c.d.s. 'MR 20 02' Triple oval 'Deputy Commissioner of Police PRETORIA' dated cachet in violet, togther with a strike 'E crown R / TRANSVAAL / OFFICIAL PAID / 34' violet double oval.
1949 airmail envelope addressed to Glasgow franked 3pi adhesive tied 'NAGISHOT' c.d.s. '6 APR 49' On the reverse 'SUDAN Pmr 29 / FOUND OPEN / OFFICIALLY SEALED' label cancelled 'JUBA' c.d.s. '8 AP 49' Some water staining.
1906 postcard (Sitee River Ferry, British Honduras) addressed to Glasgow franked 2c adhesive tied vertical barred oval 'STAN CREEK' c.d.s. alongside 'OC 25 06' Belize transit cancellation.
1909 registered envelope addressed to Chicago franked 10c adhesive tied 'PUNTA GORDA' c.d.s. 'AU 4 09' Transit and receiving cancellation. Small edge imperfections.
1923 1c stationery wrapper addressed to Jamaica cancelled 'BELIZE' c.d.s. 'JA 16 23'
1892 registered envelope addressed to Canada franked '15' and bar on '6 CENTS' on 'THREE PENCE' tied 'O' in straight line of bars 'BELIZE' c.d.s. alongside 'JU 10 92' Registration and transit cancellations.
1938 underpaid envelope from Wales, on arrival 10c postage due applied tied 'MOIBEN KENYA' c.d.s. '9 SE 38' On the reverse large instructional handstamp advising the rate.
1915 5m stationery envelope addressed to London redirected to Wokingham. Endorsed 'C.H. Stigand Maj, Egyptian Army' in manuscript. Cancelled 'MALAKAL' c.d.s. '16 OC 15' Scarce stationery.
1933 envelope addressed to Sweden franked 3d adhesive tied 'ST HELENA' c.d.s. 'AP 12 33'
1916 envelope addressed to Georgetown franked horizontal pair 1c adhesives tied 'T.P.O. RAILWAY W.C.B.G.' c.d.s. '20 MAR 1916' a further strike on the front. The T.P.O. was used on the West Coast Line. Receiving cancellation on the reverse.