1933 taxed advertising envelope. Franked on the reverse 5c, 20c & 10c adhesives tied 'KISUMU' c.d.s. '23 MY 33' On arrival in Mombasa four line Unpaid Postage Due cachet applied partly overstamped single 10c and a vertical pair 30c postage dues paying the 70ct charge tied 'MOMBASA' cancellation.
1943 censored registered envelope addressed to Nairobi franked Great Britain overprinted 6d, 9d & 2/6d adhesives tied 'ASMARA CENTRO' c.d.s. '28 10 43'
1902 1d stationery envelope (H2) addressed to Glasgow. Uprated Niger Coast 2d adhesive tied oval 'REGISTERED FORCADOS' d/s 'MY 31 02' a further strike below. A very rare registered usage of this stationery. Vertical fold at left, slight imperfections.
QV Great Britain overprinted 4d registered stationery envelope (H) McCorquodale & Co printing, overprinted SPECIMEN. Superb.
QV Great Britain overprinted 1/2d stationery card overprinted SPECIMEN superb.
1898 envelope addressed to Mandala franked 1d cheque stamp setting 11 (SG 55b) cancelled 'BLANTYRE' c.d.s. '14 MY 98'
1905 postcard franked ' 1 1/2d' on '5d' tied 'LAUNCESTON' c.d.s. '20 AU 05' Two line 'POSTED OUT / OF COURSE' with lines above and below struck in black. Kings Island receiving cancellation on the front. Some edge imperfections.
1933 multi franked registered envelope addressed to Freetown Sierra Leone, locally redirected adhesives tied 'T.P.O. WESTERN 2 / DOWN' c.d.s. '11 FEB 33'; Blank registration label pencil 'TPO 2 WDN' inserted. Oval Sekondi and receiving cancellations on the reverse.
1913 multi franked registered envelope addressed to Germany locally redirected. Adhesives tied 'GONDOKORO U.P.' c.d.s. 'AP 18 13' Blank registration label cancelled 'GONDOKORO U.P.' c.d.s. Khartoum Sudan oval transit on the reverse. A very rare registered cover from Gondokoro
1896 10pa stationery wrapper addressed to Lefkara cancelled 'LARNACA' squared circle d/.s 'MY 14 96' On the reverse 'Zii' and 'LEFKARA' squared circle cancellations, a further strike of the Lefkara squared circle on the front with Returned Letter Office cancellation May 29th. Scarce squared circle cancellations.
1941 stampless envelope addressed to Langsburg C.P. cancelled by a fine 'WAR TRAIN P.O.' c.d.s. '2 V 1941' Triple oval '1st (INF.) BATTALION / RAILWAYS AND HARBOURS BRIGADE' violet d/s '2-5-1941' initialed.
1932 envelope addressed to Birmingham franked 1d & 1/2d adhesives tied 'ALL SAINTS' c.d.s. '16 JA 32'
1948 censored envelope addressed to Guatemala franked vertical pair and a single 2c adhesive tied oval 'BENQUE VIEJO' T.R.D. '20 SE 43' struck in violet. Receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1909 postcard franked 1d adhesive tied 'NKANDLA ZULULAND' c.d.s. 'MR 11 09'
1902 2d registered stationery envelope (F) overprinted SPECIMEN additionally overprinted 'ULTRAMAR' applied by the Portuguese for distribution to the colonies. The flap parially stuck down.
1944 3d Active Service Letter Card format A addressed to Yorkshire uprated horizontal pair 1 1/2d adhesives tied 'BULAWAYO' c.d.s. '1 FEB 44' The first day of usahe for the airletter. Deputy Provost Marshall cachets on the front.
1944 multi censored envelope addressed to New Jersey franked horizontal strip of three 6d adhesive tied 'CIRCULATION BRANCH' c.d.s. '17 AP 41' 'P.C.90/OPENED BY / EXAMINER' black on green paper showing manuscript 'H10' A rare censor label
1942 censored Consignee's Mail envelope addressed to Grenada. On the reverse fine strike of the three line 'CONSIGNEE / PASSED BY CENSOR / BARBADOS' struck in violet, initialed and dated. On arrival large crown double circle 'PASSED BY CENSOR / 4' in red dated '18/12/44/B.W.'
1941 multi franked envelope addressed to Birmingham adhesives tied 'G.P.O. BARBADOS' c.d.s. '3 JA 41' On the reverse 1940 - Voluntary war workers association label in yellow, overprinted with red cross.
1941 censored envelope addressed to Canada franked 2d adhesive tied 'G.P.O. BARBADOS' c.d.s. '20 NO 41' On the reverse 1940 - voluntary war workers association label printed in yellow, overprinted with red cross.
1941 multi franked envelope addressed to Jamaica adhesives tied 'G.P.O. BARBADOS' c.d.s. '8 JA 41' Double oval 'PASSED BY CENSOR' in violet. On the reverse 1940 - Voluntary war workers association label, overprinted with red cross.
1942 airmail envelope from Pretoria addressed to an officer The Kaffrarian Rifles. EGYPT PREPAID' cancellation on the reverse '21 AU 42' On the front rectangular 'PRISONER OF WAR / RETURN TO SENDER' cachet struck in violet.
1934 postcard addressed to France franked 1/2d & 1d adhesives tied 'MASERU' c.d.s. '14 SEP 34'
1913 multi franked postcard addressed to London with adhesives from French, English, German & Spanish colonies tied 'BRITISH POST OFFICE TETUAN' c.d.s. '25 AP 13'
1942 censored airmail envelope addressed to New York franked 1/- & 1 1/2d adhesives tied 'ST KITTS' c.d.s. '18 AU 42' Red Octagonal censorship manuscript "3"
1935 taxed Imperial Airways envelope addressed to South Africa. Franked 1/6d adhesive tied 'AIRMAIL SYDNEY NSW' c.d.s. '2 JA 35' 'PAR AVION / JUSQU'A' cachet on the front manuscript 'CAIRO' On arrival2d postage due applied poaying the charge. Transit and receiving cancellations.
1906 receipt for a registered letter addressed to Germany cancelled 'REGISTERED LAGOS W.C.A.' c.d.s. 'DE 27 1906'
1915 postcard written from Maderia franked Union 1d adhesive tied 'UNITED KINGDOM & S AFRICA SEA P.O. 1" index 'S'
1954 KGV1 20c registered stationery envelope (F) addressed to Brighton cancelled 'VICTORIA' c.d.s. 'MR 27 54'
1918 stampless 'On Active Service' postcard addressed to Sussex cancelled 'KISMAYU' c.d.s. '11 NO 18' (Armistice Day) Mombasa transit cancellation.
1946 censored lettersheet from an Italian Prisoner of War addressed to Italy. Two line 'EVACUEES MAIL / POSTAGE FREE' On the reverse 'NO 1-B ITALIAN EVACUEE CAMP / NYERI STATION / KENYA COLONY' woodblock struck in violet. Receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1935 illustrated advertising envelope "Dietz Lanterns" addressed to Argentina. Franked 5c adhesive paying the unsealed printed matter rate tied 'MOMBASA' c.d.s. '23 MR 35'
1892 Gibraltar 10c stationery postcard with message addressed to London cancelled 'A26' "CASABLANCA' cancellation alongside '2 SP 92'
1903 postcard addressed to Switzerland franked horizontal pair QV 1/2d adhesives cancelled 'NSABA/ 9 -1 - 03' in red manuscript 'WINNEBAH' c.d.s. on the fron 'JA 10 3' Transit and receiving cancellations.
1900 stampless envelope addressed to Scotland cancelled 'NATAL FIELD FORCE' c.d.s. 'FEWB 1 1900' struck in violet, countersigned bottom left corner by the Commanding Officer R.H.A. (Royal Horse Artillery) Oval straight line of bars '94'
1901 Great Britain overprinted 2d registered stationery envelope (F) addressed to Belgium with additional 2 1/2d adhesive tied oval 'REGISTERED OLD CALABAR' d/s 'JU 9 01' Belgium registration label on the front. Receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1902 local 2d registered stationery envelope (G) additional single 1d and a vertical strip three 1/2d adhesives tied oval 'REGISTERED WARI' d/s '25 JA 02'
1944 multi censored taxed envelope addressed to Australia. Franked Great Britain overprinted 1d M.E.F. adhesive tied 'TRIPOLI CORRISP E PACCI' c.d.s. '10 9 44' a further strike alongside. On arrival 1d, 3d & 2d postage dues applied tied 'WILLIAMSTOWN VIC' c.d.s. '16 OC 44'
1902 1d stationery postcard with message addressed to England uprated 2d adhesive tied 'YORK Y' duplex 'FE 21 1903'
1899 stampless On Her Majesty's Service envelope from The Audit Department Perth addressed to London, locally redirected. Violet Audit Department Frank struck in violet. A very fine strike of the scarce 'PAID / OFFCIALLY / WEST AUSTRALIA' cachet.
1933 underpaid internal airmail envelope franked 15m adhesive tied 'SUDAN AIR MAIL MALAKAL' c.d.s. '10 IV 33' On arrival 10m postage due applied paying double the deficiency tied 'KHARTOUM' c.d.s. '10 APL 33'
1945 registered On His Majesty's Service war enconomy envelope addressed to Canada franked £1 Grey-Green adhesive tied 'NASSAU' c.d.s. '23 JUN 44' A rare commercial usage of the £1
1894 registered On Her Majesty's Service envelope from Office of Titles addressed to Shark Bay. Ornate 'D.L.O.' struck in violet. On the reverse 'SHARKS BAY' c.d.s. 'JY 8 94'
1894 envelope addressed to Bay of Islands franked horizontal pair 1d adhesives with advert Truebridge Miller & Reich (stamp small tear) and Sunlight Soap tied indistinct c.d.s. Transit and receiving cancellations.
1894 envelope addressed to Bay of Islands franked 2d with advert Truebridge Miller & Reich on the reverse tied 'FRURY' c.d.s. '17 FE 94' Transit and receiving cancellations.
1895 Great Britain overprinted 2d registered stationery envelope (H2) addressed to Liverpool additional 2 1/2d, 2d, 1d, & 1/2d Oil Rivers overprinted Great Britain adhesives tied 'BONNY' squared circle d/s 'JA 16 95'
1934 airmail envelope from Juba carried by Imperial Airways on First flight to Lombok Island, Netherland Indies. A rare acceptance, with few carried. Transit and receiving cancellations.
1934 airmail envelope from Khartoum carried by Imperial Airways on first flight to Brisbane Australia. Receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1934 airmail envelope from Malaukal carried on First Flight Imperial Airways to Sydney Australia. Receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1935 airmail envelope carried on First Flight Italian "Ala Littoria" to Berbera. Franked 3pi adhesive tied 'SUDAN AIR MAIL KHARTOUM' c.d.s. '20 X1 35' Receiving and transit cancellations. Few examples carried.