1962 2/5d registered stationery envelope overprinted SPECIMEN. The flap is not stuck down. Superb unused.
1938 2c + 3c (5c) registered stationery envelope (G) 'THOS. DE LA RUE & Co. LTD. PATENT' under the flap which is not stuck down. Superb unused.
1904 1d stationery card with message addressed to Hamburg cancelled 'BATHURST' c.d.s. 'JA 4 04' 'PAID LIVERPOOL BR PACKET' and receiving cancellations on the front.
1940 multi censored Prisoner of War Mail card from a German internee at Espanola, Ontario camp "E" 'CANADA crown INT.OP. CENSORED/34' cachet in red.
1946 multi censored stampless Prisoner of War card from Camp 130 Seebe, Alberta. Addressed to the Russian Zone Germany. Cancelled 'P.O.W. 130' c.d.s. 'AP 23 46'
1943 multi censored stampless Prisoner of War card from Internment Camp 33 (Petawana Ontario) addressed to Hamburg cancelled 'P.O.W. 33' c.d.s. 'AP 24 43'
1913 postcard addressed to England franked Transvaal 1d adhesive tied 'SANDHLAN SWAZILAND' c.d.s. '25 NOV 1913'
1906 postcard (The station Harrismith) addressed to London franked 1d adhesive tied 'KINGS HILL O R C' c.d.s. '2 DE 1906'
1928 registered On His Majesty's Service envelope from General Post Office Livingstone addressed to London, cancelled 'LIVINGSTONE N.W. RHODESIA' c.d.s. '14 DEC 1928' Straight line 'LIVINGSTONE' registration with manuscript number above.
1942 stampless censored cover from Wartenau (Upper Silesia) addressed to a German internee held in Jamaica. Octagonal crown 'PASSED D/38' cachet in violet.
1905 German Feldpost envelope from an officer in the 2nd Field Regiment addressed to Colonel von Brauchitsch of 4th Silesian Infantry Regt 157. Franked vertical stip of five Cape 1/2d adhesives tied 'UPINGTON' c.d.s. 'JY 10 05' German units in the prohibited border area were able to use the South Africa postal service, no concessions could apply.
1916 2 1/2d stationery envelope marked "Mtshabezi Mission" addressed to the U.S.A. cancelled 'GWANDA S.RHODESIA' c.d.s. '28 MAR 16'
1897 postcard with message addressed to Wiesbaden franked German 10pf adhesive tied 'KLEIN POPO' c.d.s. '3 5 98' a further strike below. Marked 'Via Cotonou' Carried by postal runner to Contonou, a distance of 50 miles in four days. Light vertical fold.
1878 outer lettersheet marked 'Pr Packet' addressed to Malta. Franked Great Britain 2 1/2d Pl.9 AH-HA tied 'GIBRALTAR A26' duplex 'NO 18 78' Receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1933 multi franked registered envelope marked "By Air Mail from Johannesburg (Imperial Airways)" addressed to Croydon. Adhesives tied 'MBABANE' c.d.s. '3 JA 33' which is the first day of issue for the stamps.
1942 envelope addressed to Natal franked block of four 1 1/2d adhesivres with large part printers imprint in the margin, cancelled 'MBABANE' c.d.s. '10 11 42' Transit cancellations on the reverse.
1959 envelope from Bechuanaland addressed to Phoenix Mauritius, numerous manuscript instructional marks and boxed 'UNDELIVERED FOR REASON STATED' 'RETOUR' Two line 'Unknown / Inconnu' On the reverse 'R.L.O.MAURITIUS' cancellation. Franked horizontal pair and a single 1/2d adhesive. (The single is damaged) tied 'PALAPYE' c.d.s. '9 V11 59'
1936 envelope from Lowesoft addressed to Port Louis. Manus cript "Left Colony" and straight line 'PARTIU' struck in black. Receiving cancellations on the reverse.
1940 censored envelope from Oakland California addressed to Port Louis. Two line 'NON RECLAME / INCONNU' struck in black. Receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1924 envelope addressed to the U.S.A. franked New Zealand 1d Dominion overprinted adhesive tied 'RAROTONGA' c.d.s. '2 NOV 24'
1922 envelope addressed to Bristol franked horizointal pair New Zealand 1d Dominion overprinted adhesives tied 'AITUTAKI' c.d.s. '8 OC 22'
1893 envelope addressed to Essex frankeds 2 1/2d adhesive tied 'RAROTONGA' c.d.s. '13 NO 93' a further strike alongside. Transit and receiving cancellations on the reverse.
1922 envelope addressed to Johannesburg South Africa, locally redirected. Franked horizontal pair New Zealand 1d Dominion overprinted adhesives tied 'RAROTONGA / TAI PERE' tied 'RAROTONGA' c.d.s. '26 SP 22' receiving cancellation on the front.
1894 registered envelope addressed to Bengal India. Franked 10d, 5d & 2 1/2d adhesives tied 'RAROTONGA' c.d.s. '14 JL 94' a further strike below. 'R" in violet oval with manuscript number. Transit and receiving cancellations.
1906 envelope addressed to Auckland franked New Zealand overprinted 1d Universal tied 'AITUTAKI' c.d.s. 'AP 2 06' Receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1894 Money order advice envelope addressed to Pretoria cancelled 'VRYBURG B.B.' c.d.s. 'AP 11 94' Receiving cancellation on the reverse. Three post office could handle money orders (Taungs, Kuruman and the main post in Vryburg)
1930 registered envelope addressed to Dagenham Essex. Franked Great Britain overprinted 6d adhesive tied 'LOBATSI' c.d.s. '15 AU 30' Transit and receiving cancellations on the reverse.
1889 On Her Majesty's Service envelope with signed imprint 'Office of the Surveyor-General of British Bechuanaland' addressed to Cape Town cancelled 'VRYBURG BECHANALAND' c.d.s. 'MR 14 89' Receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1912 2d + 1d (3d) Great Britain overprinted '30 CENTIMOS' registered stationery envelope (F) 'A.K.'dating imprint under the flap wich is not stuck down. Superb unused
1912 2d + 1d (3d) Great Britain overprinted '30 CENTIMOS' registered stationery envelope (G) 'A.K.' dating imprint under the flap which is not stuck down. Superb unused.
1944 multi censored registered airmail envelope from the Polish Consulate, marked "Written in Polish" addressed to Switzerland. Adhesives tied 'LUSAKA' c.d.s. '4 FEB 44' German censor label and handstamps, together with a Swiss Civil Post label.
1926 underpaid envelope addressed to Funchal Maderia from Georgetown 'T' in violet circle manuscript '10' On arrival 40c postage due applied paying the charge tied 'CORRo DE TELE FUNCHAL' c.d.s. '12 SET 26'
1931 registered envelope addressed to Bristol franked 1 1/2d & 6d adhesives tied 'PORT MORESBY' c.d.s. '24 MR 31' Cairns & Perth transit cancellations on the reverse.
1916 envelope from Rev Herman Schroder addressed to Rotterdam franked single 1d and a horizontal pair overprinted Gold Coast adhesives tied 'STATION PALIME' c.d.s. '27 1 16'
1919 censored envelope addressed to Paris franked overprinted Gold Coast 2 1/2d adhesive tied 'LOME TOGO' c.d.s. '10 FEB 19' Crown 'PASSED BY CENSOR ACCRA" struck in purple applied in transit, a short usage.
1916 censored envelope addressed to Rotterdam franked overprinted Gold Coast 2 1/2d adhesive tied 'LOME TOGO' c.d.s. '16 7 16' Three line 'Passed by Censor / at / Lome (Togo)' struck in violet. Marked at bottom right 'Sent by F Burger' Receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1873 wrapper marked 'Via Suez & Marseille' addressed to Bordeaux franked horizontal pair 4d adhesives tied 'B53' Red 'P.D.' Octagonal 'POSS ANG SUEZ P.P. AMB MARS' d/s '18 SEPT 73' Mauritius cancellation on the reverse 'August 21st. French T.P.O. and receiving cancellation.
1956 locally addreessed 20c registered stationery envelope (H) additional 9c adhesive applied tied 'ANSE ROYALE' c.d.s. 'JY 11 56'
1943 envelope addressed to Mount Hampden franked 2d adhesive tied 'NIL DESPERADUM MINE' c.d.s. '18 MAY 43' a further strike below.
1951 First flight envelope carried by Central African Airways from Salisbury to Lourenco Marques. Franked 2d adhesive tied 'SALISBURY' c.d.s. '9 AUG 51' receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1955 envelope addressed to Lusaka franked 2d adhesive tied 'RAFFINGORA S.RHODESIA' c.d.s. '30 MAY 55' Part Causeway transit cancellation.
1921 3d + 1 1/2d (4 1/2d) Great Britain overprinted registered stationery envelope (K) 'J.Q.' dating imprint under the flap. Vertical central fold.
1921 3d + 1 1/2d (4 1/2d) Great Britain overprinted registered stationery envelope (H) 'A.R.' dating imprint under the flap. Superb unused.
1921 3d + 1 1/2d (4 1/2d) Great Britain overprinted registered stationery envelope (G) 'C.R.' dating imprint under the flap. Superb unused.
1919 7 1/2 piastres on 3d + 2d (5d) Great Britain overprinted registered stationery envelope (K) 'G.P.' dating imprint under the flap. Superb unused.
1919 7 1/2 piastres on 3d + 2d (5d) Great Britain overprinted registered stationery envelope (H) 'F.P.' dating imprint under the flap. Superb unused.
1974 airmail envelope from Germany addressed to South Africa. Carried on the Lufthansa 747 which crashed on take off at Nairobi. Four line bi-lingual crash cachet.
1911 postcard (Walmer Castle) addressed to London franked Transvaal 1/2d tied 'CAPE COLONY OCEAN POST OFFICE' c.d.s. '22 NO 11' scarcer day before month. Boxed 'INSUFFICENTLY PAID' cachet on the front.,