1885 registered envelope addressed to London franked Great Britain 2 x 1d lilac and a single 2 1/2d IE-EI adhesive tied 'C' in oval straight line of bars. 'BRITISH POST OFFICE CONSTANTINOPLE' c.d.s. '25 AP 85' struck in red, partly overstruck by Registered London receiving cancellation.
1914 Great Britain overprinted 3d registered stationery envelope (G) with additional '1 3/4 PIASTRE' on '4d' adhesive tied 'BRITISH POST OFFICE CONSTANTINOPLE' c.d.s. '16 JU 14' Addressed to India transit and receiving cancellations on the reverse.
1936 envelope addressed to Switzerland franked 3d Jubilee adhesive tied 'TULAGI' c.d.s. '2 JU 36' a further strike alongside. Receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1901 envelope addressed to Harvey & Outerbridge in New York from their agent in Bermuda. Franked 2 1/2d adhesive tied 'MANGROVE BAY' c.d.s. 'MR 14 1901' Carried on Quebec steam's "Trinidad" Receiving cancellation on the reverse 16th March.
1894 Formula stationery card with message addressed to Delhi India. Franked 2 x 1/2d adhesives one tied shield cachet, the other 'ROUXVILLE O.R.C.' c.d.s. 'SP 19' Sea Post Office transit and receiving cancellations on the front. Some adherence on the reverse.
1909 1d taxed stationery envelope addressed to Lady Grey cancelled 'ROUXVILLE O.R.C.' c.d.s. '30 DE 09' 'T 2' in black oval and an oval strike of KOHLBERG BROS/GENERAL MERCHANTS' in violet.
1905 Q.V. 'ONE PENNY' on 'Penny Half Penny' stationery card, no message, addressed to Silverkrans, Rustenburg. Cancelled 'DEWETSDORP O.R.C.' c.d.s. '22 JUL 05' with '30' barred oval numeral. Receiving cancellation on the reverse.
1957 registered airmail envelope addressed to Johannesburg franked horizontal strip of three 3d adhesives tied 'CHIZERA N. RHODESIA' c.d.s. '14 NOV 1957' Registration label handstamped 'CHIZERA, N. RHODESIA' in vioiet. Chizera isan airstrip for Lunga Game Reserve. A small portion of the back has been cut away.
1905 Transvaal 1d stationery envelope addressed to London cancelled 'MBABANE SWAZILAND' c.d.s. '21 JAN 1905 (Type 2) A rare usage of Transvaal stationery used from Swaziland.
1949 airmail envelope addressed to Denmark franked 1/- adhesive tied 'MANKAIANA' c.d.s. '12 DEC 49'
1950 stampless taxed internal envelope cancelled 'BREMERSDORP' c.d.s. '19 DEC 50' On arrival horizontal pair 2d postage dues applied tied 'MBABANE' c.d.s. '21 X11 50'
1950 taxed envelope from Venezuela addressed to New Jersey redirected to Swaziland. 15c adhesive tied by large Caracas boxed cachet. Three line bilingual 'Free Diplomatic Mail' cachet. On arrival 1d & 2d postage dues applied tied 'BREMERSDORP' c.d.s. '7 MAR 50' Vertical fold.
1943 censored airmail envelope addressed to Canada franked 3d & 7 1/2d adhesives tied 'HAMILTON" c.d.s. '8 FE 43' Straight line 'PERMIT FILED' struck in blue.
1943 multi censored envelope addressed to Kettering franked 3d adhesive tied 'FREETOWN' c.d.s. '18 MY 43' Cenor seal at left with red wax 'CENSORED' seal. Boxed 'RETURNED TO SENDER / CONTRARY TO CENSORSHIP / REGULATIONS / 1' No other examples examples of this censor cachet are recorded.
QE11 4d stationery envelope overprinted SPECIMEN The vflap is not stuck down. Superb.
1949 Great Britain 6d + 21/2d registered stationery envelope (H) overprinted 'TANGIER' The flap is not stuck down. Superb unused.
1903 postcard addressed to France via French Guiana franked 1/2d adhesive tied octagonal 'FORT DE FRANCE ACAYENNE L.C.' d/s '28 JUN 03'
1899 postcard from a German naval seaman on S.M.S. Moriva at Matupi addressed to Germany intenally redirected. Franked German 10pf adhesive tied 'KAIS DEUTSCHE / MARINE SCHIFFSPOST / No 7' c.d.s. '31 5 99' Receiving cancellations on thye front.
1905 1d C.G.H. stationery lettercard uprated 1/2d & 1d adhesives tied indistinct cancellation. The card is headed and dated 'Davignab Jan 26 05'
Upington transit cancellation. Addressed to Germany.
1899 India Half Anna stationery envelope addressed to Steamer Point. Cancelled 'ADEN' squared circle d/s 'JA 22 92' The rate pays the unsealed printed matter.
1941 censored envelope from a German internee at Andalusia Camp Transvaal addressed to Germany boxed bilingual Interment Camp cachet in violet '12-7-1941' On the reverse is a German censor tape index 'b'
1949 multi franked registered airmail envelope from Eldoret addressed to Jesselton North Borneo 'FOUND OPEN (OR TORN) AND OFFICIALLY SECURED' label (18685-800/12-11/47) applied during transit in Singapore cancelled 'SINGAPORE' c.d.s. '28 DE 49'
1948 envelope addressed to Chicago franked 1d & 2d adhesives tied 'HLUTI' cancellation, date and month unclear. On arrival large violet cachet for the collection of ten cents for customs duty and a 'PASSED' cachet.
1909 1m stationery wrapper addressed to Germany uprated 1m adhesive tied 'KHARTOUM' c.d.s. '28 DEC 09'
1949 underpaid envelope addressed to Kampala franked overprinted 2 1/2d adhesive tied 'BIRKIKARA MALTA' c.d.s. 'JY 1 49' On arrival 30c postage due applied paying the manuscript charge tied part 'KAMPALA REGISTERRED' c.d.s. '9 JY 49'
1942 censored airmail envelope addressede to Ipswich franked Great Britain overprinted 'TANGIER' 2 x 1d and an unoverprinted 2 1/2d adhesive tied 'BRITISH POST OFFICE TANGIER' c.d.s. '24 JY 42' Scasrce "V" patriotic airmail label.
1945 censored envelope addressed to Australia franked 1 1/2d adhesive tied 'PITCAIRN ISLAND' c.d.s. '8 APR 45'OPENED BY EXAMINER D.D.A. / 187' label at left side.
1870 lettersheet addressed to Turks Island 'Via St Thomas' franked Great Britain 1/- adhesive tied 'LONDON 22' duplex '17 FE 70' A fine strike of the '1d' in red paying the charge from St Thomas to Turks Island. On the reverse 'TURKS ISLAND' double arc receiving cancellation. A jouney of 20 days.
1902 registered envelopeaddressed to Canada franked single 2c, 1c and 2 x 5c adhesives tied 'O' in oval straight line of bars. On the reverse 'BELIZE' c.d.s. 'AP 02' together with transit and receiving cancellations.
1885 2c stationerey card with message addressed to Rose Belle cancelled 'B47' obliterator 'ST JULIANS' c.d.s. slongside 'NO 11 85' Receiving cancellation on the front.
1885 2d registered stationery envelope (G) addressed to London tied by the scarcer 20mm 'TRINIDAD' c.d.s. 'JA 7 85' a further strike alongside. Receiving cancellations on the reverse.
1909 1d illustrated stationery postcard (Victoria Falls, Rhodesia. Gorge below Falls, showing spray at Exit) Some light stains bottom right corner. Unused.
1932 printed 'Rhodesia Railways Limited' envelope addressed to Kenilworth franked 2d adhesive tied 'BULAWAYO STATION' c.d.s. '1 MAR 1932'
1911 postcard addressed to Essex franked '15c' adhesive overprinted '3 cents' tied 'SEYCHELLES' c.d.s. 'DE 8 11' a further strike alongside. A rare commercial usage.
1936 compolsury registered airmail envelope addressed to London franked 2 x 4c and a horizontal pair 24c adhesives tied 'AIR MAIL G.P.O. BRITISH GUIANA' c.d.s. '5 JA 36' Straight line 'FOUND IN ORDINARY MAIL' struck in violet. Boxed 'TO NEW YORK ONLY/BY AIR' Transit cancellations on the reverse.
1902 Natal Government Railways On His Majesty's Service printeds envelope addressed to London from the Stores Superintendent addressed to London. Franked 1d adhesive tied 'DURBAN' c.d.s. 'NO 1 1902'
1932 4d registered stationery envelope (G) addressed to Pretoria additional 1d adhesive tied 'MANKAIANA' c.d.s. '2 MAR 1932' Piet Reit transit cancellation.
1948 3d South African airletter inscribed Suid-Africa (H&G 5) overprinted SWAZILAND in red. Superb unused.
1948 3d South African airletter overprinted SWAZILAND in red (H&G 4) Superb unused.
1948 South African 6d overprinted airletter (H&G 6) uprated 6d adhesive. Overprinted SPECIMEN. Superb
1954 6d South African airletter overprinted (H&G 15) Overprinted SPECIMEN Superb.
1955 6d South African airletter (H&G 16) overprinted SWAZILAND in red with "POSTGELD" above the overprint. Superb unused.
1947 3d South African overprinted Airletter in black (H&G1) with message addresseds to Cambridge uprated 1d stationery card cut-out and 2d Royal Visit adhesive tied 'MANKAIANA' c.d.s. '10 MAR 1947'
1902 Penny Half Penny stationery card with message addressed to Berlin cancelled straight line 'PAQUEBOT' 'ST GEORGES GRENADA' c.d.s. alongside 'MR 14 02' Receiving cancellation on the front.
1932 underpaid envelope addressed to St Lucia franked Montserrat 1/2d adhesive tied 'G.P.O. PLYMOUTH' c.d.s. 'MY 26 32' On arrival 2d postage due applied cancelled 'CASTRIES' c.d.s. '28 MY 32'
1941 tunderpaid internal envelope addressed to Gobabis franked overprinted 1d adhesive tied 'WINDHOEK' machine d/s '1 X1 41' On arrival marginal vertical pair 1/2d postage dues applied tied 'GOBABIIS' c.d.s. '10 X1 41'